Adayroi giảm giá 1.200.000đ khi mua Apple iPhone X 64GB Bạc
Khi mua Apple iPhone X 64GB Bạc trên Adayroi
Hãy nhớ nhập mã giảm để được thêm 1.200.000đ khi đặt hàng
Nhanh mua kẻo hết lượt vì mã giảm giá có hạn nhé!
Rất đơn giản lấy mã ở chữ Chi tiết Coupon – mã giảm giá tự động copy
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When deal is marked as store offer by its creator, then price you see is price for voucher, once you purchase it you can go to store and redeem your discount.
Why Sales Are Required?
This type of deal requires minumum number of sales defined by the deal vendor during the deal submission. Once the number of purchases becomes equal or higher than the defined minimum number of sales, deal is activated and you will receive voucher to reedem your discount.
If deal did not acquired defined minimum number of sales and it is expired or deleted, you will receive full refund.
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